'; if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['contactid'])) { // Insert Header File $contactid = $_REQUEST['contactid']; $db_link = pg_pconnect($pg_connect_string); $query = "SELECT * FROM pbo_webmail_view WHERE (idctc =" . $contactid . ")"; $result = pg_exec($db_link, $query); $numrow = pg_numrows($result); if (!$result) { virtual($header_parser); echo "Could not find contact."; virtual($footer_parser); } else { if ($numrow == 1) { for ($row = 0; $row < pg_numrows($result); $row++) { $contactid = pg_result($result, $row, 'idctc'); $fname = pg_result($result, $row, 'ctcfname'); $lname = pg_result($result, $row, 'ctclname'); $email = pg_result($result, $row, 'ctcemail'); if ((isset($_REQUEST['task'])) and ($_REQUEST['task'] == "send_message")) { // Form variables if ((isset($_REQUEST['fullname'])) and (strlen(trim($_REQUEST['fullname'])) > 0)) { $name_email = trim($_REQUEST['fullname']); } else { $name_email = "Not Provided"; } $sender_email = trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['emailaddress'])); $subject_email = trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['subject'])); $message_email = trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST['message'])); if ((isset($_REQUEST['emailaddress'])) and (!checkemailaddress($sender_email,''))) { $error = "
  • You need to enter a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS.
  • "; } if ((isset($_REQUEST['subject'])) and (strlen($subject_email) < 1)) { $error .= "
  • You need to enter a SUBJECT.
  • "; } if ((isset($_REQUEST['message'])) and (strlen($message_email) < 1)) { $error .= "
  • You need to enter a MESSAGE.
  • "; } if (!empty($error)) { virtual($header_parser); echo '

    Error Message(s):'; echo '

    '; echo '

    '; require_once('send_message.php'); virtual($footer_parser); } else { // CHECK FOR BAD FIELD INPUT AND EMAIL HEADER if (checkemailform() == true) { if (checkemailaddress($email,'')) { // Send Email $mail_body = "-------------------------------------------------------------" . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "The following message was sent to you via " . $org_acronym . " Web2Email system:" . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "------------------------------------------------------------" . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "Name: " . $name_email . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "Email Address: " . $sender_email . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "Date Sent: " . date("F j, Y, g:i a") . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "Subject: " . $subject_email . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "Message:" . $message_email . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "------------------------------------------------------------" . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "REMOTE IP ADDRESS : " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "REMOTE HOST : " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "USER AGENT/BROWSER : " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $mail_newline; $mail_body .= "REFERRING PAGE : " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . $mail_newline; $mail_header = "From: " . $name_email . "<" . $sender_email . ">" . $mail_newline; if (mail($email, $org_acronym . ": " . $subject_email, $mail_body, $mail_header)) { // Confirmation Message - Send to Screen header("Location:" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?contactid=" . $contactid . "&action=messagesent"); } else { // Could not send email, problem with sending, email not configured correctly virtual($header_parser); echo 'Could not send email. Email codes not properly configured.'; virtual($footer_parser); } } else { virtual($header_parser); echo 'No valid email address found for ' . $fname . ' ' . $lname . '. Email not sent.'; virtual($footer_parser); } } else { virtual($header_parser); error_message('Sorry. You are attempting to SPAM our email addresses. Have a nice day, BOT.'); virtual($footer_parser); } } } elseif ((isset($_REQUEST['action'])) and ($_REQUEST['action'] == "messagesent")) { virtual($header_parser); echo 'Message sent to ' . $fname . ' ' . $lname . '.'; virtual($footer_parser); } else { virtual($header_parser); require_once('send_message.php'); virtual($footer_parser); } } } else { virtual($header_parser); echo "Could not find contact."; virtual($footer_parser); } } pg_close($db_link); } else { virtual($header_parser); echo "Could not find contact."; virtual($footer_parser); } } else { header("Location: /"); } ?>